Handyman Johannesburg Testimonials
What People Have To Say About Handyman Johannesburg.
Mr I. Cemara
Handyman Johannesburg sent a handyman to my place within a few minutes of confirming the issues I was facing with my entrance into the house. We needed the entire frame to be removed, repaired, painted and reinstalled again. I am very happy for the results we received and I should also add that for all that work, I think that your pricing is really reasonable. Thank you for uch an awesome service.
Ms W. Onset
Imagine walking into your home and swimming into your living room, it was a nightmare in the day time. We forgot to close the tap properly and the whole house was drenched in water. Thanks to Handyman Johannesburg whom sent a team to our rescue. What you did for me was truly remarkable, you really saved the day and got us back into our house as soon as possible. Thank you very much guys!
Mr P. Germains
The first time I ever had a problem with anything in my house is when we first moved in, yep! We had to repair and clean a number of things in the house and around the yard. Handyman Johannesburg were notified about the problem we were facing and gladly offered to take care of everything on our behalf. The guys came in early in the morning and by the end of the day our property looked totally different.
Mrs L. Roy
I booked a handyman to fix my broken window, thats all I called Handyman Johannesburg engineers for. They came, looked at me with a smile and noticed the broken front window and Mark started to fix, he was done within a matter of minutes and he even cleaned up the mess, his last words were, “don’t touch the window until its firm” and a sweet bye bye. I know I will be calling you guys again very soon!